Project Evaluation

What skills Have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel as though I have become more aware of my time management skills, and I feel they have improved, but I do feel they need to be improved further as I see it as one of my weaknesses. I feel more confident in being able to change how I manage my time and more effectively delegate time.

What approaches to/ methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I tried more deeply researching subject matters, and trying new methods, such as in the texperts brief, I tried word association and exploring as many different angles of approach as i could think of. I found this did help in generating new ideas, it is something that i will take forward and apply to future projects.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalise on these?
Thanks to my typography elective, I found designing the publication much easier, and i felt more in control in terms of software and achieving the look and style i wanted. I feel more confident of tackling similar projects in the future.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
My time management is something that i feel needs further improvement. I think that although i have been told in previous feedback to more further explore ideas, still think that this is something i have not addressed, i felt in these projects i have come to an idea to quickly and pushed it through as the resolution. I noticed that my work all seems to have a similar style, although this may not be regarded as a weakness, i feel it is something i need to break away from, i don't feel that at this stage i should stick to a "style" of presenting something, i think in future i need to take it out of my own time to begin to explore visual language, much like we did in the first year. I feel that over previous weeks, my confidence in what i do has been knocked i feel this is something that is not only effecting my attitude about what i think of my work, but i also think this also beginning to have an effect on my attitude towards my practice. I think this is something I hope may resolve itself over the summer break.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from these?
_ Time management needs to be more fully addressed
_ Ideas are still not being fully explored
_ Work I feel can still benefit from more deeper research, such as using magazines and the library to look for more appropriate ways of approaching how a present work
_ Although it does not relate to the project work, I feel i need to start another visual language diary.
_ Time management and motivation is something i feel should be mentioned twice...

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